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2017-2018: Relic Revoery

Meet the robot

Name: Berry

NickNake: P.J. (Perry Junior)

We call it this because it looks a lot like the 2016-2017 robot


Games Tasks Robot Completed​


  • Knock off opposite colored jewels

  • Score Glyphs in the Cryptobox

  • Balance on the Balancing Stones     




Robot Special Features





The original design included a plate but the plate often chipped at the ends, which then made the plate too thick to pick up the glyphs. The plate was also slippery because of the direction the 3D printer prints and the had to be printed in two sperate pieces, thus weakening the plate as a whole when attached to the robot.

Because of the issues with the plate, the team switched to using a gripper that could easily be switched out with the plate if needed. Click the links above to learn more!

Berry definitely had some tough times though...

One issue that was occurring in this photo was that the linear slide was not close enough to the ground, therefore, the plate that was attached to it came right up over the glyph during autonomous, tipping the robot backward, and eventually onto it's back. 

*Note: The mecanum wheels were definitely a great addition to make to the robot, especially this year because of how the robot needed agility to get in and out of the crypto boxes. 

Another thing the team discovered was that the wheels were placed too close together. There was concern about leaving space and weight availability in the front of the robot for the linear slide so the wheels were pushed towards the back. They ended up being too close together causing the robot to rock and lose balance with the force of the motors. 

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