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Sparks Shops

    This year, the Sparks started SparksShops, a series of workshops to introduce people to robotics. Through the program, students who are not involved in robotics can learn about the team and engineering fields. Workshops are offered in building, CAD, and programming. The team beta-tested the project

during their school's community time, a period when all students and faculty are free. They hope to expand SparksShops into local libraries so that they can reach out to the larger community.

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Building Bots

The Sparks designed a simple miniRev robot and created an instruction manual with a materials list and pictures of each step. To save time, the Sparks gathered the parts before the workshop and created building kits for groups of 2-3 participants. After the participants finished building their robot, they were able to drive it around the field using a pre-programmed Teleop.

CAD Cadets

The Sparks created designs that the participants could copy, while also leaving room for them to be creative and add their own personal touches. The team printed participants' designs after the workshop so that they could pick up their creations a few days later

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Coding Corner

The programming team prepared a short presentation to introduce participants to the basics of autonomous programming and common errors. This workshop was scheduled to take place after "Building Bots" so that the participants could program the robots built during that workshop.

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